Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i am afraid

well, i have to work in the morning and yet i am sitting at the computer refusing to go to bed. why, you ask? i'll tell you why. story: today i had to wash kate's crib sheets for the third time in 2 days as a result of forgetting to put bottoms on her before bed and waking up to naked girl with pee sheets. (poop the other day, but that was on vanessa's watch while she babysat for me) anyway, i put her blankets and sheets in a pile by the washer and would wait until the current load was done before washing them. when i picked up one of the sheets in the pile an hour later a roach appeared suddenly and was crawling around on the cute pink blanket. i screamed and threw it down and stood there waiting. waiting for any sudden moves. a few minutes later i ran downstairs to find my trusty raid, got a shoe, and headed back up. i carefully picked up, with two fingers, each sheet ready to attack, but i never saw him. i thought maybe he was still hidden in one of the sheets so i turned the washer to the hot cycle, to kill him a little extra than just warm water. but, after the cycle was done there were no remains. i wasn't convinced i had really killed him. the night went on and later the kids went to bed and i was folding the laundry on my bed and i had a feeling to go check on johnny and make sure the roach wasn't lurking around his room. i walked around his dark room only lit by the hall light and as i walked out there it was!! the nasty roach was crawling across the floor right in front of me! i wanted to get the raid but there wasn't enough time. i had to act fast. i ran in my room, got a shoe, turned on johnny's light and i saw him. whack! whack! it was done. i scooped him up in some toilet paper and threw him in the trash bag. however, how do i know that was the same one from today? was there more? what if i wouldn't have gone to check on johnny? what if he would have crawled on him in the night? i hate, hate roaches. why? why do they exist? the whole day i kept getting the chills and i have itched my head and body about a hundred times. i think i will have to sleep with the light on because roaches like the dark. i'm too afraid to go to bed!


Anonymous said...

Alexis, so this is Tracie Farmer mom of Johnny and Kate's bestest friends of late Travis and Riley! So my favoritest Christine gave me your Blog address and I just had to say "HI"! Plus I thought I should tell you that 'wow it is such a small world' since you know my sister Jamie even though that acquaintance comes from DIP-SHIT Jeff Englehart; well and the obvious Christine factor, but I didn't know if you knew that I also LOVE LOVE and adore that cute little Morgan Wright---you have to know how much my husband, boys and I just think she is the neatest!! I was her Girls Camp Director (and we were in cahoots with quite a bit of mischief) and I was one of her advisors at church in Young Women's. My husband and I actually went on a triple couple date with your brother, Morgan, Jamie, and the dipshit once to the movies; your brother is such a cutie pie. Plus even weirder, I know Karen de La Paz your old piano teacher. Funky huh? So anyway I thought you might want to put some faces to the names so our blog is :

PS, Im even seeing your kiddos today--soooo funny!! :) Tracie

Anonymous said...

Ok so this is Tracie Farmer again and no I am not a Blog stalker! But I went back to read some of your previous posts and I had to laugh because my Lord we even share the same Gyno-I've been seeing Darin Swainston for years. He even put in my IUD just a little bit back too. Incredibly I don't know why I would have my down under doctor be the husband of my friend Robyn but I do thouroughly enjoy when Matt and I are sitting in sacrament meeting and every now and then Darin will get up to speak and I will lean over and whisper to Matt "yeah Darin had me up in stirups last week" yeah I know, a little twisted but the look on his face ALWAYS cracks me up!!:) We are also fans of Jon and Kate plus 8, I always love whenever Kate smacks Jon and she always calls it a "lovetap" PPSSHH-too funny! My fav pix of your kiddos is one of Johnny smoochin Kate on the couch back in Feb, too cute! And you should know the last two playdates all Johnny has talked about are the Disney pirates, he had SOOO much fun! OK bye, for real :) Tracie

Jayne Layne said...

Lex that is frightening! I HATE COCKROACHES SO MUCH! We used of so many in our garage! Everytime I went to feed Sadie I would poor gallons of water on them, hopefully just to piss them off. I feel your pain! That was so funny! Watch your back and get your house sprayed!

stewart.shana.ella said...

Oh my gosh, I am still itching from reading that post. I hate cockroaches, you poor thing:)

JENNIFRO said...

Hilarious! Are you related to Jessica??? I mean with the tickly scalp and stuff. Too funny! Better not visit me with the mice and spiders as big as your hand!

Jayne Layne said...

Will someone tell Rebecca to invite me to her blog? Tell her to email the invite to PLEASE!

Jayne Layne said...

Oh and update!